Applesauce Free-for-All and Other Fun Stuff


Sunday was rainy and cold here in Atlanta. Hubby was a bit under the weather, so I wanted him to get rested up for the week. This left Mommy and 1-year old Adam to entertain each other for the day. A mom has reached desperation when she allows the toddler a free-for-all trying to feed himself applesauce. The spoon-to-mouth coordination just isn't quite there, which then lead to hand-to-mouth eating, which lead to applesauce on face, clothes, in ears and in hair. Oh, and also on Mommy, but I will spare you the photo. You may also notice the two cuts on Adam's face. He bumped the corner of a table whilst throwing a tantrum. After this photo, while he was having a much-needed bath, he also hit his head on the faucet because he has now discovered the thrill of standing up and swinging a sopping washcloth while bathing.

In other events, Mommy became a pull-along toy for the boy.
Adam thought it was great fun. I thought it really hurt my knees.

In other exciting news..... A few days ago we got something in this box. Adam rushed over to investigate before I could throw it away. I expected a virtual blizzard of packing p'nuts
to erupt at any moment.

Instead, he sprinkled a few on the floor.....

Then proceeded to throw them away one by one. He's inherited a little of the OCD organizing gene from his mother. Oh yes he has!

Until next time (keeping it clean and orderly)


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