Happy 80th Birthday, Grandma Eva!


Dear Grandma Eva,
Mommy told me that it's your 80th birthday today, and I asked her if I could blog you a birthday wish. Mommy told me that an 80th birthday is a very special milestone. She told me that you have lived through a lot of historic events in your life and done and seen many things. I know that you are a great mom to my mommy and you are also a great Grandma to me. I wish I could be there with you on your special day. I know how to give kisses now and I would give you at least three or four. I would also like to eat some of your birthday cake!

Love, ADAM

If any of you would like to wish my Grandma a "Happy Birthday",
just leave a comment here.


Jillian, Inc :

Happy Birthday, Mom! I truly couldn't ask for a better mom. We love you so much!

A.W. Mann :

Happy Birthday Eva!!! Hope you have a great day!

Your BEST (uh, and only) son-in-law!

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