Doubly Good Week Giveaway Winners


What a fun week! You all made my Blogiversary Celebration so much fun. Thanks for commenting and visiting me this week.

Without further ado, here are giveaway winners. Please email me at jillianinc at yahoo dot com with your mailing address and I will get them in the mail this week.

(Chalk one up for me - except for the books and Vera, I have everything here on my desk waiting to be mailed. A small miracle in advanced planning and organization.)

$10 Starbucks card
#22 - Pink Potpourri
#35 - Lauren @ Baseballs and Bows

$25 Target Card
#4 - Caffiene Court
#50 - Lisa@ Take 90 West

$25 Borders Card + book of your choice (make sure to let me know the book you want!)
#34 - Tammy
#40 - 5 Bickies

$50 JCrew card
#11 - Pink in a Sea of Blue
#25 - Buford Betty

Vera Hipster (let me know if you have a pattern preference or want me to choose!)
#7 - Just Mom
#12 - Maggi


Vader's Mom :

Congrats to all your winners!!

Happy Blogiversary to you :)

Lynne :

Congratulations to all the winners. Jill, you are so generous!

Nadine :

Wow, what a list of winners. Congratulations to all of you.

What a wonderful way to celebrate Jill. You're the best.

Just Mom :


Thank you, thank you, thank you.


kdwhorses :

Congrats to all the winners! What fun that was!

Tammy :

Please tell me that the Tammy that won a Borders giftcard and book is actually ME!!! Oh, if it is....thank you SO MUCH!

I'm not quite sure I understand about the book...did you give us choices and I missed it- or do I pick any book???

Wow, Jill...all these prizes. You are awesome, my friend, thank you!

Sheila :

Jill, you had a great contest and congrats. to all the winners!
You are inspiring me and others to play along...I am putting my thinking cap on.
i love to visit you here.

Lauren@Baseballs&Bows :

WOW! Thanks! I clicked on the link planning to congratulate the winners. I didn't really expect to be one. How fun!

Pink in a sea of blue :

Yey! I can't believe I won something...and the J. Crew card is just perfect! I promise to spend this on ME (for once) and not the kids! You are so generous and sweet to do this. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Happy Blogiversary again!

Ang baylis :

Congratulations to everyone!
Hey, I didn't know this was you, Jill! I see you've changed your blog! It's beautiful! Just beautiful!
Love to you from Michigan,
Angie xoxo

Scarlet O'Kara :

I am so very glad that you had a wonderful Blogiversary! Congrats to you and your lucky winners!

maggi :

Yippee! This is so cool!
Thanks so much!

Susan :

Congrats to all these winners!!

justabeachkat :

Congrats to the winners! (Hmmmm...guess Adam didn't help draw, otherwise, I just know I would have won something, right?! lol) Give him a hug for me anyway.


Susan :

This has been very fun, Jill! Have a great week.

:-) Susan

Belle (from Life of a...) :

What a fun week. Congrats to all of the winners.

Steph :

You are so sweet to do this Jill!
Congrats to all the winners!

Lisa @ Take90West :

Thank You Jill!!!

The 5 Bickies :

I won, I won, I won...can you see me jumping up and down. I will email you my details. Thanks much for sharing your fun blogversary!

andi :

You are too cute! I love the idea! What fun! Happy Day Surprises! :) Do you get one of each?!

Linda :

Congrats to all the winners. What a fun giveaway week.

Lauren :

Congratulations to the winners! This was so sweet of you to do this.

Enjoy your week!

The Mrs. :

Sad I didn't win but I still love your blog!

Buford Betty :

OMG I'm sooooooo excited!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

Jillian :

Wow! Congratulations to the WINNERS... what a great giveaway.


Sandy :

Congratulations to all the winners! You are such a generous blogger! Happy blogiversary!
Have a fabulous week.

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