Bye boy. Bye mama. I shut off da light. Adam do it.
As you lay on the floor I cover your face with the towel.... "Where's Adam? Did he go to Starbucks?"
Wanna a 'chino Mama? Be care-shull, it's hot!
You get the lotion and your "trap-stick" out of the basket.
Shake da lotion mama. And don't turn da trap-stick up wiff the lid on it.
I remind you Chapstick is not to be shared. And neither is your toothbrush.
And I don't take it to school or da kids will mess wiff it. Put it back in da basket, right Mama?
I wrestle to get your diaper on, and then your footie pajamas. You've almost outgrown them.
Seems like just yesterday they were too big.
Seems like just yesterday you were so little.
We play. We sing songs.
Ba! Ba! Black sheep! Had you wany wool?
You climb on me and want to wrestle and I have to remind you to not be so rough.
No hitting, no biting and no kickin', right Mama?
This is a most precious time of day for me. Thirty minutes I'd like to scoop up and put in a jar like a firefly on a summer's night.
Me and my boy. My son.
Clean and soft.
Little life lessons - and pure joy - wrapped up in a bath towel.
Oh, yeah. I know exactly what you mean.
Enjoy...those sweet times just fly by. Now, I'm enjoying those times with my grandchildren.
Perfectly said!!!
o too sweet. i wish i had more time like that. with getting 3 of them bathed at night its more of an assembly line. cherish it.
Oh Jill! Write these moments onto your memory to keep with you forever. Time goes so fast.
I didn't realize it until after I read your post, that I miss these times something fierce. My children have all hit that "independence" stage and rarely allow me to help with anything. My girls won't even take a bath any more ... only showers. And they'd rather struggle putting PJ's on their wet skin than letting me dry and hug them.
Enjoy your times. They really are precious!
How precious! What a great reminder...lately I've been looking at bath time as just another chore - it's hard as they get time for snuggling, it's what can I play with in the last few minutes I have before bed?
OOOH, and nothins smells quiet as good either. What precious memories you are building for him!
Oh, how sweet, Jill!
How beautiful. You painted a tender image of mother and child.
Then they turn into stinky boys - sweaty soccer players LOL. Seriously I love my boys so much. There is just a lovely thing between a mother and son.
Adam sounds like a doll. You are blessed :)
So beautiful, Jill.
I find myself clinging onto my girls a bit lately...and my youngest- my baby- turns 6 this spring.
I love that she still has just a bit of "baby accent" left...
We need to savor each moment!
Wonderful post!
That is so sweet.
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