2 Year Blogiversary - Doubly Good Week (Day 1)


Time certainly does fly when you're having fun!

Tomorrow marks my two year blogiversary. It seems like just yesterday I wrote my very first post.

I really had no idea how much I'd grow to love blogging, how much I'd grow to love reading blogs and how blessed I'd be by each and every one of you.

So... I decided this week I'd have a little fun, show a little bloggy love, and give away a few things that are part of my everyday world.

Here's the scoop:

1. Each day this week, Monday through Friday, I'll post a new giveaway.

2. I will pick two people to get each day's goodie, using a random number generator.

3. You can enter each day, and possibly win more than once.

4. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment. One comment per person per day please.

5. Tell your friends. Invite them over. The more the merrier.

6. I will pick all of the recipients for the entire week on Saturday morning, August 2, and post the names that day.

Without further delay, today's Doubly Good Give Away is two $10 Starbucks Gift Cards. (Two people will each get a $10 card.)

Personally I'd order a Venti Soy Sugar-free Hazelnut Latte with light foam.

Have any of you tried the new Vivannos?

What would you order?

Good luck!

And thanks for celebrating the week with me.


Momma Roar :

Happy Blogiversary!!!!

You know that I enjoy your blog!!

What a fun way to celebrate!

Even though I'm not a coffee drinker, I'm sure I'd find something at Starbucks that I'd love, right? Cookies or something? LOL :D

Looking forward to celebrating all week - WOOHOO!!!

melissa :

A big happy blogiversary to you, Jill! I have realy enjoyed getting to know you through our blogs.
How sweet of you to do this wekk-long give away!


Angie :

Happy 2yr Blogiversary!!!

I enjoy your blog.

I a simple girl who enjoys a really good cup of plain ole coffee!



annie :

Happy Blogiversary Jill!
Isn't blogging great :)?

Amanda loves to go through the starbucks drive thru... I usually just order what she does since she knows what's good :)...

Amber Kay :

Happy 2yr Blogiversary to you!!!!

kdwhorses :


I know what you mean I have meet some great blogging buddies!

I would order a White Chocolate Mocha or a Carmael macchitto!!!

Paula (SweetPea) :

Does Starbuck's have caffiene free or does that miss the point?

I've come via Tonja's Gatherings.

I think I've had regular coffee from Starbucks once and had to dilute it with water.

I know that my dad loves Starbuck and he has a birthday next week so I'd still enjoy winning.
Thanks and happy blogging.

Scarlet O'Kara :

Happy, Happy, Happy Blogiversary!

Sign me up for Day 1 and I'll be back again tomrrow.

Not sure if you will get any additional traffic from my place, but I did leave a post about your special date!

If I am lucky enough to win a Starbuck's card...that Iced Chai Tea will be all mine!

Susan :

Oh sign me up!!! I've never had a Starbucks Coffee!!!

Happy blogiversary and how very generous you are being to us.

L.A. Prep :

Happy Blog-versary!!! I am always looking for new Starbuck's drink suggestions! Seems everyone I know has their own favorite. I'm a simple girl and usually order a tall, non-fat, vanilla latte. Is that so boring? If I win I have to try your drink - sounds incredible. Thank you for visiting my blog & for your nice comment! So fun to find new blog friends!

Boo and Hooties Mom :

Happy Blogiversary!!!!!

I love a large hazelnut coffee with lots of cream........YUM!!!!!

Tammy :

Happy Blogiversary, Jill!!! :D

Oh, how I'd love to win a Starbucks card! Hope random number generator picks me!!!!

Kally :

Happy Blogiversary! I sort of stumbled upon your blog a couple of days ago and have really enjoyed reading.

My Starbucks must have: anything chai -cold or hot- I'm always game.

Sonya :

Wooo hooo! How did you know I needed coffee? Seriously, Happy Blogiversary! It's amazing how fast time flies when you're doing this! Congrats and as always, your blog is a real joy to read!

Linda :

Happy Blogiversary. I am sending some bloggy love hoping to get my hand on one of those cards. Oh I can just taste the carmel frap. yum! You are one of the first blogs I found when I started blogging last year and I have enjoyed checking in with you ever since.

Belle (from Life of a...) :

Happy thoughts on your Blogiversary. I check in everyday. Had a Vivanno yesterday...yummy Chocolate Banana for me and Legare got the fruity version with the green tea powder. It was yummier. Count me in!

Linda S :

Thanks for visiting my blog! Congrats on your blogiversary! Wow! 2 years! and such a cute blog! I've already had an iced caramel macch. today...everyday...teens are trained to fetch...

Pink in a sea of blue :

2 years! That's a long time to blog! Congrats! Sign me up.
I love mocha mint chip fraps!

andi :

Howdy! I saw the golden words, "give away" on Tonja's blog and thought I'd head on over myself! I knew I loved reading your blog!!! :) Happy Blogiversary!

Tickled Pink And Green :

Happy Anniversary!! Next month (Aug) I celebrate my one year and I just can't believe it. Count me in on the freebies. By the way, did you know we have the same name?! Yay! Lol.

Joyce :

Just came across your blog. Not looking to enter your giveaway as I'm a newbie to you. But . . . I love your blog!!! It's fun. It's interesting. You make me laugh. I'll visit again!! Thanks for the enjoyment!!

The Pink Potpourri :

great blog!! i love starbucks. my new kick is the skinny lattes...some of them are 90 calories. i like the vanilla, and also the dolce de leche. all of them can be served hot or on ice!

hope i win! i'll be back all week!

oh, and i have a giveaway every weekend on my blog, so be sure to come by and enter sometime!

Sandra :

Happy Blogiversary :)

Ooohhh Starbucks, we have one on base :)

Antique Mommy :

I'm a frappacinno girl myself, but I'll drink anything with caffeine.

Steph :

Happy 2 years!
I love an Iced Caramel Macchiato!

Kappa Prep :

Wow, two years, CONGRAST! In the past four months I have been blogging I to have come to love this wonderful, little world! I honestly feel as if I am friends with all my readers. I would love to enter the giveaway. Also, if you are looking for a fun way to personalize your Starbucs cup check out my blog. I just bought the cutest reversible coffee cozy!!

Cricket :

Happy Blogiversary! I love the idea of your week of giveaways, it's so sweet. And I have to say, I'm a huge coffee drinker. <3 Cricket

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality :

Count me in, Jill! I'm a white chocolate mocha girl on special occasions.

Thanks for the tip on cleaning that silverware. I've heard that method before, but have never tried it. I'm going to try it this afternoon!


Tickled Pink And Green :

By the way, I left news of your giveaway on my blog. :)

Preppy Engineer :

Who doesn't love a giveaway? Happy 2 year anniversary in the blogging world!

Monogramchick :

Happy Blogiversary Jill!
Found you through Tickled Pink and Green and so glad that I did!
I would order a Venti Passion Fruit Iced tea with 3 splendas please!

Anonymous :

Happy Blogiversary! I hope you have a nice afternoon. It is way too hot here in southern Alabama.

Staci :

Congratulations!! What a fun way to celebrate! I LOVE me some Starbucks :)

Beth :

Happy Blogiversary!

Starbucks: yum....

Lauren@Baseballs&Bows :

Congrats on your anniversary!

Just Mom :

Happy 2nd Blogoversary!

Yes, I have tried the Starbucks Vivanno, the Orange Mango Banana blend. I have to be honest and say that it tasted very healthy (as in, it tasted like crushed vitamins). It wasn't that bad, but frankly I rather have an orange mocha.

Nadine :

Happy Blogiversary.

I always get a venti skinny vanilla latte.

Preppy Mama :

Congrats on 2 years! You are a very generous blogger. I am addicted to Starbucks like most people. My staple is a venti iced vanilla skim latte!
Thanks for giving us all a chance to win.

annie's eyes :

Happy Blogaversary! I've been lurking for a while, and you give me great cause for revealing myself. Turns out, I'm giving something away this week over at my blog, too, with the bloggy quarterly giveaway. Gotta love the Starbucks-for me, decaf skinny latte! Celebrating with you, Annette


Happy Blog Anniversary!I have been enjoying your blog, its been bookmarked in my favorites for a while. I am a nonfat, decaf, vanilla latte gal. Wish I could have one everyday!

Mom on the Run :

Happy Two Years! I haven't been reading your blog for very long (for some reason our old browser would only show the border), but I think we have that Midwesterner in the South thing in common, dontcha know.

I always get a mocha or Zen iced tea at Starbucks.

Cara :

Such a fun way to celebrate! My Starbucks fix is always a vanilla latte with non-fat milk!

Mandy :

Happy Blogiversary. I would love to win a Starbuck's gift card. Thanks.


Sheila :

Jill Happy Blogiversary! Wow 2 years, that makes you famous! lol
I am so into cofee any time, any kind, just give me my Joe!

Rory :

Iced caramel macchiato....if I wasn't pregnant and off caffeine.

Kari :

Happy blogiversary! It's been great "meeting" you through blogging and I always look forward to checking in on your posts. Thanks for offering such a fun giveaway. I love Starbucks, especially when the weather starts getting cooler in the autumn. My standing drink order is a tall caramel apple cider, extra hot. Yum! Thanks.

justabeachkat :

Did you mention Starbucks? Now you're talkin'. Enter me.

What fun!


ikkinlala :

I don't go to Starbucks very often, so I don't know what they have for fancier drinks. I'd probably order either a latte or a hot chocolate and whatever looked the best from the baked goods case.

Christina :

How about an Iced DT NF SF Van Latte OR a Lite Carm. Frap??? YUM!

Rejoyce :

The one & only thing that I ever get at starbuck is a Carmel Frap & rice krispie treat. Yummy!

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