Want Some Fries with That?


The words "Shut up" (along with many others) are not tolerated at our house.

So, guess what two little words the little two year old has taken a liking to.....

Last night I was putting laundry away while he was in the bathtub and I heard this:

Shut up Pooh.

Shut up Piglet.

Shut up fish.

Seems all his tubby toys were being chastised.

So, when I stepped in and asked my dear son what it was that I heard him saying, he looked at me with a sweet angelic face and protested in a sweet angelic voice:

Mommy, I didn't say shut up. I said ketchup.

Yeah, right.

Don't let your fries get soggy in all that bath water.


Lynne :

Aren't little ones just adorable!!

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melissa :

LOL- too cute. We have never allowed the shut-up word in out home either and my how college boys are always making fun of me for saying 'hush-up' instead! Griff, on the other hand likes to say 'shut-down'?!!


Kari :

Oh, the things your little guy comes up with crack me up! He's got a great future ahead of him me thinks;o)

Susan :

Oh he's a QUICK ONE! You have to watch out for those...they make you laugh when you wanna be mad!! I have one or two of 'em myself.

:-) Susan

Amber Kay :

hA! He's pretty smart!!

Tricia :

When I was in 8th grade my male teacher told me that my skirt was to short and I told him to shut-up. I then had to write "I will not say shut up" 1000 times!!! That is something that I will never forget!!

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) :

Perhaps he has a future as a lawyer! ;)

Shutup and hate are generally banned around here, although they do happen.

justabeachkat :

Since I've seen that sweet smile in person, I can picture it so clearly. How did you keep for laughing?! That sweet boy of yours is not only a cutie pie, but very smart too!


Lauren@Baseballs&Bows :

That is hilarious! My daughter likes to say, "Why can't we say ______?" That way she can say the word without technically saying it. :)

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